Here we are, one year later!
We’ve been honoured to play host for hundreds of birthday’s over the past year, and come March 10, we’ll finally be able to celebrate our own. We Play Kids is turning 1!
To the owner and many of our staff, We Play Kids feels more like a busy 3 year old. The owner and founder, Jody Wiebe, began thinking about the possibility of a sensory gym and therapy centre in 2016. Upon returning home from living abroad with her own young family, Jody realized the need for another resource in her own local community. As a Physiotherapist for over 10 years, with a personal and professional passion for inclusion and child development, Jody created We Play from the ground up.
Jody’s goal was to create an inclusive space where children of all abilities can play together, and where families can connect and grow.
Since the Grand Opening on March 10, 2018, We Play Kids has introduced Pediatric Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Therapist-led Group Programs, classes for preschoolers, camps for school-age children, field trips, weekends full of parties & play, and special hours set aside for our members and families with sensory sensitive children. Our next step is to have in-house Speech and Language Pathologists, hopefully soon!
We have a lot to celebrate, and a lot of you to celebrate with! Thank you to everyone who’s supported our small business over the past year. Our members, our birthday party hosts, our regulars. Thank you to our community who visit us for play dates, and to our Alder Crossing neighbours for their continued support. We are grateful!
We will be hosting a 1 year party on Sunday, March 10 from 10am-12pm. Admission is 2 for $22 which will include a collaborative art project, prize draw and face painting! We look forward to seeing many of you out!